2012 Report for Waverly


West River


25 Waverly Street, New Haven, CT

Address Geocoded

POINT (-72.9410524 41.3078644)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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American hophornbeam

Number of shrubs planted


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2 spirea, 1 hydrangea

Number of perennials planted


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1 day lily, 3 coreopsis, 3 yarrow, 1 lavender, 2 black-eye susans, 1 blue fescue, 3 varigated hostas

Yards mulch spread



Tucked between the Hospital of Saint Raphael's and Route 34, you will find the Waverly Townhomes, a lively and tight-knit community oriented around a central playground and shared spaces. Carved out of this shared space are small, informal yards belonging to each of the townhomes. For the better part of a decade, the Waverly Beautification Group has given members of this community a means to personalize these small private spaces and contribute to the aesthetics and ecology of the community at large. Having already helped most residents interested in planting their yards, the group this year revisited previous plantings, filling in where perennials had died, repairing their greenspace sign, adding several shrubs, and planting a tree. This pragmatic approach, emphasizing moderate planting goals and stewardship of past work, has allowed the group and the gardens they plant to remain stable and resilient, helping their ever-changing community to mature with time.

Other activity

repaired greenspace sign