Urban areas have a variety of stakeholders involved in managing the environment. URI works in partnership with community groups, government agencies and businesses throughout New Haven to collaboratively address environmental challenges. Through broad engagement of stakeholders URI strives toward sustained management of the urban environment.
Listening to local concerns and developing environmental programs in cooperation with schools, neighborhood groups, and city agencies is the cornerstone of our work. In service of our commitment to local groups and agencies, we draw as well upon state and federal expertise and resources to support our work. Partnerships past and present are listed below, with links to further information where available.
Funding Partners
- City of New Haven
- The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
- Connecticut Dept of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP)
- National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
- New Alliance Foundation
- New Haven Green Fund
- REI (funded major improvements to East Rock Park, Beaver Ponds Park, Fairmont Park, and Kimberly Field)
- TD Green Streets
- Urban Forestry Organization
- Yale Class of 1964
- Yale Club of New Haven
- Yale Office of New Haven and State Affairs
Collaborating Partners
- Local Community Groups
- Common Ground High School, Urban Farm, and Environmental Education Center
- The Sound School
- New Haven Harbor Watershed Urban Wildlife Refuge Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New Haven Parks & Recreation, Audubon Connecticut, Common Ground High School, Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven Public Schools, and local community groups
- Connecticut Urban Forest Council: URI is a longstanding member of the CUFC. URI has helped organize conferences and programs in recognition of effective urban forestry efforts statewide.
- Urban Ecology Collaborative (UEC): URI is a member of the UEC, which is a network of urban forestry organizations in the Northeast. The members of this professional peer learning network share experiences and replicate successful community based urban forestry activities and education models.
- Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
- Believe in Me Empowerment Corporation (BIMEC)
Past Partners
- USDA Forest Service: URI partnered with the Forest Service as part of the Living Memorials Project in the wake of September 11, 2001. This program was designed to harness the symbolic power of trees as living memorials for all Americans affected by terrorism.
- New Haven Public Schools: For nearly a decade URI partnered with New Haven Public Schools in the development and teaching of the Open Spaces as Learning Places curriculum. As of 2009, the City of New Haven adopted this curriculum as mandatory instruction for all sixth graders.
- Crossroads Continuum of Care
- STRIVE- New Haven, Inc.