Request a Free Tree
Thanks to a partnership with the City of New Haven’s Parks, Recreation and Trees Department we are happy to plant street trees for New Haven residents with our GreenSkills crews.
Use the online form below to request trees to be planted in front of your New Haven home or business. The resident commitment entails watering the tree (or trees) planted and informing URI of any problems with the new tree. Each tree needs 25 gallons of water per week during the growing seasons (from bud-break to leaf-drop) for the first three years. Here is a list of trees we plant and their characteristics (although we may not have all these trees available every season) and a catalog with photos of the trees.
Need to request a street tree or stump removal? URI does not remove trees or stumps or prune trees that we have not planted recently. You may request that the City’s Department of Parks help you with those tasks through SeeClickFix.