Putting Urban Forest Theory Into Practice: Tree Risk, Pests, and Storms with Jennifer Greenfeld

Event time
Seminar Series: Theory to Practice of Urban Forest Management
Spring 2022 (Thursday 11:30 – 12:10 via Zoom)
We invite you to a seminar series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public. Registration is required.
ISA-certified arborists may receive 0.5 CEU credits for each live lecture attended. Connecticut Certified Forest Practitioners may receive 1.0 CEU credits for each live lecture attended.
03.03.22 – Jennifer Greenfeld (NYC Parks)
Title: Putting Urban Forest Theory Into Practice: Tree Risk, Pests, and Storms
Description: The field of forestry and arboriculture has matured greatly in the last several decades. Researchers and policy-makers have recommended and developed best management guides, systems for tree assessment and inventory and operational databases, to name a few advances. New York City has had the opportunity to put many of these recommendations to the test. This talk will look at three areas of urban forest management: tree risk, pest, and storm response to explore how the Parks Department has adapted standards.