Urban Forest Mensuration, Information Systems, and Decision Support with Dr. Dexter Locke

Event time

Thursday, January 27, 2022 - 11:30am
virtual webinar See map

Seminar Series: Theory to Practice of Urban Forest Management

Spring 2022 (Thursday 11:30 – 12:10 via Zoom)

We invite you to a seminar series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public. Registration is required.

ISA-certified arborists may receive 0.5 CEU credits for each live lecture attended. Connecticut Certified Forest Practitioners may receive 1.0 CEU credits for each live lecture attended. 

01.27.22 – Dr. Dexter Locke (USDA Forest Service)

Title: Urban Forest Mensuration, Information Systems, and Decision Support

Description: Urban foresters manage what they can measure, assess, and evaluate. Technological improvements in urban remote sensing, the widespread adoption geographic information systems, and developments in information management systems more broadly are changing the way people and manage woody vegetation. An additional layer of complexity is the array of stakeholder groups (i.e. Parks Departments, community groups, Offices of Sustainability, Planning Departments, urban forestry NGOs, and others), and their overlapping and/or competing interests. Data and maps can form a basis for collaboration. Spatial data on urban forest cover and condition may also reveal environmental injustice, further motivating action to ameliorate uneven outcomes.

Register here: https://yale.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DmwBb2j1S92YcFlyc_VNHw

Event category:

Special Event