Tree Ambassador Open Discussion

Event time
Have you ever cared for a tree planted by URI? Do you like URI’s GreenSkills program, which plants free trees for any New Haven resident or business? If so, we invite you to become a Tree Ambassador.
Interested in learning about how to be an effective Tree Ambassador? You are invited to join an online discussion using Zoom at noon on 4/1.
Topic: Tree Ambassador Open Discussion
Time: Apr 1, 2020 12:00 PM EST
Join from computer or smartphone:
Or telephone:203-432-9666
Meeting ID: 971 076 691
Already got a tree? Show it some love and pass it forward. Become a Tree Ambassador. Take a photo of your tree. Post it to your favorite social media platform and tag #uriTrees. Share the love. Tell your #NHV neighbors to request a tree today and share this link: