2021 Report for Valley St Intergenerational Organization
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
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Red Oak in the upper chainlink-fenced area
Number of perennials planted
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4 daylillies, 2 echinacea (around base of tree)
Yards mulch spread
333 Valley St: An Intergenerational Organization is a new group that is in the Westville neighborhood- spearheaded by alder Honda Smith. Currently, the group has been working independently of URI to establish a vegetable garden in a series of raised beds on the site’s southern slope. URI has been invited to this new site to help the group design/implement a meditation garden on the top left of the site. This season we only met twice: The first time was a vision meeting where longstanding community members got together to discuss plans and hopes for the site. The second meeting we planted a large (14 foot) red oak to the right of the meditation garden (in the fenced area) with colorful perennials at its base.