2015 Report for Arch Street



Type of Site:

Vacant Lot


43 ARCH ST, New Haven, CT, 06519

Address Geocoded

POINT (-72.938369 41.298929)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Number of shrubs planted


Number of perennials planted


Enter more details about perennials planted

8 liriope, 6 daylilies, 6 hostas, 6 coralbells, 4 montauk daisies

Yards mulch spread



This summer, the Arch Street community group celebrated its 20th year with the URI Greenspace program. As in previous summers the group’s work began with a number of stewardship projects throughout the vacant lot, including weeding, mulching, trash cleanup, pruning and mowing. Focus in the latter half of the summer shifted to planting and infrastructure improvement projects. The group first constructed a new two-compartment compost area in the back of the space, which will help transform branches and leaves into high-quality soil to be used on site. They then worked to repair a series of stone benches that had been either moved or broken, and replaced a number of invasive plants with new perennials. Finally, the group installed a new sign for the entrance of the park and re-graveled the central pathway. With the Teen Challenge program helping make these projects a reality, the Arch Street greenspace is once again a functional green oasis for the community to enjoy.

Other activity

Other inputs: 3 yards of woodchips, 10 6ft. metal posts, 5 wooden pallets, 1 manual push mower, 1 100ft. hose, 2 yards of pea stone, 3 large blue stone slabs, cement