2009 Report for Blake


Beaver Hills

Type of Site:



Blake Street, Whalley Avenue, and E. T. Grasso Boulevard, New Haven, CT, 06511



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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1 Aristocrat pear, 1 honey locust, 1 crabapple

Number of shrubs planted


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2 tree hydrangeas, 5 inkberry, 2 holly

Number of perennials planted


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12 daylillies, 4 ornamental grasses, 14 hostas, 4 coral bells, 4 sedum, 2 nepeta

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



This was the third year of the Blake/Whalley Community Greenspace group. Previous years involved a lot of active participation and tree planting all along Blake Street (as well as a few tree plantings on Whalley Avenue and Ella T. Grasso Boulevard). This year, due to nearing the capacity for street trees along Blake Street and to the other commitments of the group members, this summer the community worked as an Emeritus group. The main goal was to maintain previous plantings. This year also marked a transition with the Neighborhood Housing Services representative for the area. Stephen Cremin-Endes came in with great enthusiasm and organized a well-attended neighborhood clean-up day at the beginning of the summer. Following the success of the clean-up day, participation in the Community Greenspace program decreased to a core group of dedicated individuals. Near the end of the summer, participation picked up and the group was able to work on stewardship as well as some more restoration of the neighborhood. As an Emeritus group, the residents of Blake and Whalley ended up having a productive summer. With the help of Stephen from Neighbourhood Housing Services; group leader Sandra Taylor; and a few other dedicated neighbours like newcomer Oneal Galloway and veteran Community Greenspace members Maurice Smith and Ellen Short and her grandchildren, the group ended up planting three street trees and working on two front yards.

Other activity

25-lb bag of grass seed