2024 Report for Bradley Street Pocket Park -Mulberry Jam



Type of Site:

Vacant Lot


Bradley Street & State Street, New Haven, CT, 06511

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.916625 41.311657)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Number of shrubs planted


Enter more details about shrubs planted

3 Manhattan Euonymus and 1 Blue Maid Holly

Number of perennials planted


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3 Sweet Tea Heucheirella and 8 Virginia Creeper

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



Mulberry Jam is a small and inviting vacant lot which was once fenced by the Department of Transportation (DOT), restored by the Bradley group. The group started brainstorming in 2019 and officially became a Greenspace Group with URI in 2020. Mulberry trees produce berries bountifully in May and June that invites birds, squirrels and people to eat and take rest under its shade, which is refreshing and a relaxing place. The group has developed this vacant lot by planting low statured trees, perennials and placing infrastructure such as picnic tables, lighting, and gabion box benches. One amazing feature of the space is a large mural on the side of Bradley Street Bike Co-op building. The space is well respected by the users, keeping it clean all the time. In 2024, its fifth summer of Greenspace, the group decided to work for three workdays, the first (June 8) and last day (July 17) for clean-up and the middle day (June 19) for planting. We planted Manhattan Euonymus, Sweet Tea Heucheirella and Virginia creeper along the wire mesh fence based on the performance of last year’s plantations. The idea to plant these shrubs and climbers is to cover the fence with vegetation. We cleaned leaf litter, and did stewardship activities by watering, weeding, mulching and cleaning the sidewalk.