2008 Report for Cedar Hill Neighborhood
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
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4 Kwanzan Cherries, 1 Autumn Cherry, 1 Purple Leaf
Number of perennials planted
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8 Blue Fescue, 2 Black Eyed Susan, 6 Catnip, 2 Coreopsis, 2 Day Lily, 2 Lavender, 3 Variegated Loriope, 2 Sage, 2 licorice plants, 1 Coral Bell, 2 Yucca, 1 flat of Euonymus ground cover and Vinca ground cover, 1 package of native Wildflower seeds.
Yards mulch spread
The Cedar Hill neighborhood is nestled right up against East Rock Park and Rice fields. For five years the Cedar Hill Greenspace group has been dedicated to making their neighborhood safe and strengthening their community. They meet every Friday evening to clean up garbage, plant trees along the street, scatter wildflower seed along their border to East Rock Park, or plant perennials and ground cover along bordering city land. Many of the members are also active participants in the neighboring Greenspace group, Friends of East Rock Park. One effective way this group has managed to redefine their neighborhood is by physically improving and beautifying the gateways to their neighborhood. The median separating Cedar Hill from Rice field in East Rock Park, the corner of Rock and Grace Streets and the parking lot on State St. have all been transformed into stunning bouquets of colorful perennials. They have also taken leadership over beautifying degraded land adjacent to the interstate by planting flowers and ground cover. The Cedar Hill Greenspace group actively participates in East Rock management team meetings the neighborhood blockwatch and cleaning up garbage year round. The Ceder Hill Greenspace group has become a valuable resource for their community; to watch part of the Positively Connecticut video that features Cedar Hill visit: <a href="http://youtube.com/watch?v=8Keox3D9JAg">http://youtube.com/watch?v=8Keox3D9JAg</a>.