2017 Report for Chatham Square Neighborhood Association


Fair Haven

Type of Site:

Park Friends


Chatham St. and Clinton Ave., New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.8917714 41.3148384)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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Multi-stem Serviceberry

Number of shrubs planted


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Euonymus (6), Euonymus - wintercreeper (5), Boxwood (2), Spirea (3), Russian Cypress (3)

Number of perennials planted


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Hosta (11), Black-eyed Susan (3), Yarrow (4), Other perennial (8)

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



The Chatham Square Neighborhood Association (CSNA) has been greening Fair Haven since 2014 and follows a long line of Greenspace groups working in the Chatham Square neighborhood. While the group focused on streetscape restoration in its first three summers, this year they decided to turn their attention towards Lewis Street Park. Almost a decade ago, the now heavily-used park was transformed by a former Greenspace group from a trash-filled lot into a safe and colorful place for kids to play and neighbors to visit. The lacebark elm tree, many of the pieces of playground equipment, and the mural were all installed in the park at this time. This year, CSNA began the summer with stewardship and maintenance: weeding, cleanup, pruning, and invasive removal. They planted groundcover and mulched the hillside behind the bench swing, spruced up existing plant beds with new plants and fresh mulch, and improved the safety of the park’s playground equipment. As a result of their efforts in partnership with New Haven Parks & Recreation, 30+ cubic yards of playground-grade mulch were spread around the jungle gym, and two pieces of playground equipment are in the process of getting repaired. The jungle gym is now much safer for children to run around, climb, and enjoy. The group finished the season off with a tree planting – putting a beautiful multi-stem serviceberry tree into the ground just to the left of the park bench, where weedy trees and invasive bittersweet vines once grew.