2008 Report for Chatham Square
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of shrubs planted
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4 creeping euonymous
Number of perennials planted
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7 Hostas, 6 Vinca ground cover, 4 Euonymous ground cover, 8 Daylilies <br>2 Maroon Ornamental Grasses, 3 Ornamental Grasses, 3 Blue Fescue
Yards mulch spread
CHATHAM SQUARE has participated in the Greenspace program since it started in 1995, and as a result runs incredibly smoothly. Although there was not a great amount of planting this year, largely due to the difficulty of getting water in Chatham Square Park, the group worked consistently to maintain the central planting beds and other areas of the park. With a core group of about three people, and many other community members who also donated their Wednesday evenings, Friends of Chatham Square spent much time weeding and mulching the planting beds at the center of the park. They also created a new planting bed around the park sign, replaced higher shrubs in one bed with lower perennials to allow for better visibility, and worked to maintain some of the trees previously planted at the center of the park.<br> Chatham Square Park is essential to its surrounding community: well-used by a vast array of people, and, unfortunately, abused. Therefore, as long as Chatham Square Park remains, the Friends of Chatham Square Greenspace group will be essential to maintaining the park and showing that the community cares about this public space.