2009 Report for Dwight Management



Type of Site:

Park Friends


230 Edgewood Ave, New Haven, CT, New Haven, CT, 06511



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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1 Zelkova

Number of shrubs planted


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4 inkberry, 2 hydrangea, 1 holly

Number of perennials planted


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9 hostas, 10 daylillies, 2 coral bells, 24 ornamental grasses, 4 achillea, 4 echinacea

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



This is the second year of working with the Dwight Park group in the Community Greenspace program in the playground on the corner of Edgewood Avenue and Orchard Street. This year, the group continued working from the inspiration of a design by architect Naomi Darling. While the group has not implemented the full design, the group worked around a playset that was added to the space by the Greater Dwight Development Corporation for their Montessori School. Elements of the design were still incorporated such as adding another berm to the Edgewood Avenue side of the playground and planting it up with more evergreens and butterfly-attracting plant species. Instead of building up another berm on the Orchard Street side, the group instead planted a row of ornamental grasses to soften that edge of the playground. The group consisted of Greater Dwight Development Corporation director Linda Townsend-Maier and representative Kenya Corley, as well as a group of neighborhood teenagers. The group finished off the summer by planting a Zelkova tree just outside the playground to the praise of passing neighbors, which will provide some much needed shade to the corner of Orchard Street and Edgewood Avenue.

Other activity

3.5 yards topsoil provided