2008 Report for East Shore- Morris Cove Planters


East Shore/Annex

Type of Site:

Park Friends


Townsend Ave, New Haven, CT

Address Geocoded

POINT (-72.896459 41.2741667)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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1 American Elm, 1 Kwanzan cherry

Number of shrubs planted


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3 Bayberry, 1 Butterfly Bush, 2 Holly, 1 Lilac, 3 Viburnum

Number of perennials planted


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14 Daylily, 22 Liriope, 4 large Miscanthus, 3 Montauk Daisy, 6 Coreopsis, 2 Russian Sage, 2 Catmint, 3 Coral Bells, 3 Phlox, 5 small Miscanthus

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



This year is the East Shore community's first year as a URI Greenspace site. The group is primarily made up of block-watch members from several of the East Shore neighborhood block-watches (802, 903, 821, 888, 891), and that group is collectively known as the 'Seawall Neighbors.' The Seawall Neighbors actively jumped on board with Jim Johnson, a past Greenspace member from Chatham Square who initiated this neighborhood's Greenspace Program, and John Cox emerged as a co-leader with Jim. The group has chosen to work in the highly visible 'Pardee Seawall Park' on Townsend Ave to create perennial beds, and also to plant street trees in the neighboring streets such as Conord Ave, Parker Place, and Florence Ave. Ultimately the group would like to replace the Norway maples along Townsend Ave, yet that is a more long term project which would require talking to lots of neighbors on Townsend Ave whose views would be blocked with the addition of more trees. This year proved very successful for the group, and much more was accomplished than the members first thought was possible.