2010 Report for East Shore- Morris Cove Planters


East Shore/Annex

Type of Site:

Park Friends


Townsend Ave, New Haven, CT

Address Geocoded

POINT (-72.896459 41.2741667)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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1 Linden, 1 Locust Skyline, 1 Redbud, 1 Kwanzan Cherry, 1 Snowgoose Cherry, 2 Koussa Dogwood

Number of shrubs planted


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2 Mt Laurel, 2 Hibiscus

Number of perennials planted


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black-eyed susans, liriope, blue fescue, daylilies, daisies, sedum

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



The Morris Cove Planters Greenspace group has been part of URI's Greenspace program for three years. Work in this community began with maintaining the Pardee Seawall Park and has expanded to include street tree plantings in the neighborhood. The core members of the group are committed neighbors who come together through their work in the Greenspace program as well as the district management team. This summer the group dedicated themselves to maintaining the plantings in the Pardee Seawall Park and finding locations to plant street trees to increase the canopy coverage in East Shore. The group planted 8 trees this year. The plantings include both shade trees and understory species, and were selected to diversify the types of trees in the area and complement the existing trees. All 6 households that planted trees (2 planted 2 trees) contributed to their own tree planting as well as one or more other plantings in the neighborhood. Several new volunteers joined the group this year and became dedicated group members.

Other activity

filled many holes in the park with topsoil