2014 Report for Fair Haven Neighbors In Action


Fair Haven

Type of Site:



Saltonstall at Blatchley Ave., New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.8988123 41.3049278)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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(1) Crabapple 'Prairiefire', (3) Littleleaf linden 'Greenspire', (2) Dogwood 'Aurora', (1) Honeylocust 'Skyline', (1) American elm 'Valley Forge', (3) Red maple 'October Glory', (1) Kwanzan cherry, (2) Kwanzan cherry 'Royal Burgundy', (1) Amelanchier 'Autumn Brilliance', (1) Horsechestnut 'Briotii', (1) Gingko

Number of shrubs planted


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(1) butterfly bush, (2) inkberry holly, (2) blue holly, (1) variegated euonymous, (2) boxleaf euonymous, (1) ninebark, (1) mountain laurel, (1) spirea

Number of perennials planted


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hostas, daylilies, vinca, liriope, lavender, coreopsis, ornamental sedges, sedums, Russian sage, catmint, heuchera, hakonechloa

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



Fair Haven Neighbors in Action is a highly motivated, energetic, and tight-knit group that is making huge strides in beautifying portions of Exchange, Wolcott, Poplar, East Pearl, and Ferry Streets. This summer, the neighbors celebrated their fifth year as an active Greenspace group, and 'active' is an understatement. With consistent participation from residents both east and west of Ferry Street, Fair Haven Neighbors focused their efforts this season on street tree planting, expanding from Exchange St. to Wolcott and East Pearl Streets. The group planted a total of 17 trees, removed concrete to make five new tree pits, completed 2 lead yard remediation projects, stewarded previous years' plantings, collected trash, and were even joined by Mayor Toni Harp to plant trees at the festive Exchange St. block party! Working in the heat and in the rain, neighbors of different ages and backgrounds gathered eagerly every Tuesday night to support each other and improve the community.

Other activity

2 yards topsoil, 5 pieces of 18" x 18" blue stone