2021 Report for Fair Haven Neighbors In Action

Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
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Crabapple 'harvest gold'
Number of shrubs planted
Number of perennials planted
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Daylily (6), Lavender (2), Coneflower (2), Russian sage (2)
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
With over a decade of experience and dozens of tree plantings under their belt, Fair Haven Neighbors in Action are a true testament of industriousness, perseverance, and love for community. The legacy of their work is present both physically in the canopied landscape of Poplar, Exchange, and Walcott, and spiritually, in the connections and relationships built between neighbors. Legacy is not rashly built; it takes a series of small, concerted efforts over many years to materialize, and this year represents another page in the chapter of a group that has left a lasting positive impact on the socioenvironmental landscape of New Haven. The summer started off at a leisurely pace, with the group engaging in stewardship of previous years’ work through the maintenance of street trees and tree pits. Despite the low numbers, the neighborhood showed noticeable improvements after each activity which left the group feeling proud and accomplished. The highlight of the summer came through the planting of a memorial crabapple tree in front of a neighbor’s house on Exchange St. Eager volunteers from inside and outside the community worked together to plant the tree demonstrating the power that environmental restoration holds as a tool for community building.