2022 Report for Fair Haven Neighbors In Action


Fair Haven

Type of Site:



Saltonstall at Blatchley Ave., New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.8988123 41.3049278)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Enter more details about trees planted

- (2) Buckeye, Autumn Splendor - (2) Crabapple, Royal Raindrop - (2) Horse Chestnut

Number of shrubs planted


Number of perennials planted


Enter more details about perennials planted

- (2) Hosta, Patriot - (2) Hosta, Abiqua - (1) Hosta, Plantain - (11) Daylily, Happy Return - (1) Daylily, Pardon Me - (3) Daylily, Purple D Oro - (2) Daylily, Apache - (4) Coreopsis - (1) Lavender - (3) Japanese Forest Grass

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



The Fair Haven Neighbors in Action used their 12th summer as a Greenspace group to put their name into good use - with a total of 7 work days and 6 trees planted, the community living along Exchange, Poplar, and Wolcott made a tremendous impact with their action! While energy in Fair Haven has been low in the last couple of years due to COVID-19, this year seemed to be one of resurgence. By the end of our work season, we didn’t have enough time to meet the tree planting demand in the neighborhood! Most of our time was spent planting trees along Poplar Street, where a homeowner chose to keep the curb strip barren for the last 10 years. A change in ownership this year meant that our team of volunteers had the green light for tree planting. Even though remnants of Poplar Street's past - large stones from old brick paths - made pit digging difficult, the Neighbors in Action persevered. We can also thank fresh limonada and cool conversation for getting us through a hot Summer. FHNIA's dedication and love of trees has once again improved the social fabric and urban canopy of Fair Haven.