2023 Report for Fair Haven Neighbors In Action

Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
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es Planted: 5 Willow Oak, Red Baron Crab Apple, Japanese Tree Lilac, Eastern Redbud, Hinga Cherry
Number of shrubs planted
Number of perennials planted
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Coreoposis, black-eyed susans, coneflowers, cat mint.
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
Ed Rodriguez has helped his neighbors to plant dozens of trees in just over a decade—nearly 100 trees. He is a powerhouse! When he first moved to the Fair Haven neighborhood, huge trees grew up and over the road like tunnels, he told me. Many of these trees succumbed to disease, or interfered with powerlines, and were removed. Now, Ed is on a mission to ensure future generations can enjoy not only the beautiful tunnels that once lined Fair Haven’s streets, but also the fresh air, shade, and other environmental benefits that trees provide. This season, Ed helped neighbors to plant five trees on Wolcott Avenue. We also planted beautiful perennial flowers under each tree. Not every home has access to a spigot or hose, so we made sure homes had buckets or access to a neighbor’s hose to water these plants. Lucky for us, this has also been a very rainy summer. Rain hasn’t stopped us from meeting though- and neighbors were happy to pitch in on planting in front of their homes and the homes of others.