2015 Report for Fairmont Park


Fair Haven Heights/Quinnipiac Meadows

Type of Site:

Park Friends


100 Clifton Street, New Haven, CT, 06513

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.8805857 41.3081554)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of perennials planted


Enter more details about perennials planted

Daylily, Shasta Daisy, Coreposis, Echinacea, Joe Pye weed, pachysandra

Yards mulch spread



A majority of Fairmont Park’s work this season can be defined in one word: reclamation. Over the course of the summer, the group was able to: reclaim and replant a butterfly garden; free two benches from burning bush’s ever-present crawl; release a grove of cedar trees from mugwort and wisteria; and clear a field of mugwort in preparation for a dog park. The final two tasks were by far amongst the largest we set out to do, and were only accomplished with the help of a group of fifteen student volunteers from EXPLO. Slower (and far less immediate/visible) progress was made on creating a vision and program plan for the development of Upper Fairmont. After organizing against the insertion of a cell tower two years ago, the space remains empty, and prone to neglect. The surrounding neighborhood has expressed interest in the creation of a dog park and splash pad (amongst other options).

Other activity

removed a field of invasive mugwort and some burning bush