2021 Report for Fairmont Park


Fair Haven Heights/Quinnipiac Meadows

Type of Site:

Park Friends


100 Clifton Street, New Haven, CT, 06513

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.8805857 41.3081554)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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3 Eastern White Pine, 3 Eastern Red Cedar, 1 Tulip Poplar

Number of shrubs planted


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Yards mulch spread



The Fairmont Park volunteers unearthed an old estate’s grand stone staircase over this past winter. This staircase is located in the perfect spot for a grand entrance into the hiking trails of the park. This area became the focus of the group’s forest restoration project at Fairmont. First invasive Norway Maples and Tree of Heavens were cut down surrounding the stone staircase. Then all naturally seeded saplings (natural regeneration) were tagged for protection. The group found a substantial amount of sapling bitternut hickory, black walnuts, cherry, and oaks. The volunteers then weeded around these baby trees to allow them to be more competitive. Finally, the group planted white pines and red cedars in spaces that were lacking in natural regeneration. The group is working hard to promote the growth of natural regeneration and the planted trees to help transform this section of the forest away from invasive species and towards a native forest. In addition, the group planted spicebushes and a tulip poplar to further increase biodiversity of native species in the park.