2010 Report for Friends Of City Point



Type of Site:



Hallock and First, New Haven, CT, 06519

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9307194 41.2903295)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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1 Ginkgo, 2 Winter King Hawthorn, 2 Tree Lilac, 2 Snowgoose Cherry, 1 Swamp White Oak, 1 Scarlet Oak

Number of shrubs planted


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Number of perennials planted


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22 Assorted Day Lily, 4 Wormwood, 4 Silver Dragon Liriope, 4 White Selvia, 2 Lavender, 9 Caramel Coral Bells, 20 Varigated Hosta, 4 Black Eyed Susan, 1 Purple Cone Flower, 2 White Cone Flower, 1 Coreopsis

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



The summer of 2010 was Friends of City Point's first year as part of URI's Greenspace program. Neighbors from throughout City Point joined in early planning meetings and outreach efforts to spread the word. While barely knowing many of each other earlier this spring, the group came together quickly, braving the heat of summer, to work on street tree plantings throughout City Point. With the goal of neighborhood beautification, Friends of City Point began their efforts on Second St, transforming the streetscape with the planting of 8 new trees. Children from the neighborhood caught word of the weekly plantings, becoming regulars of the Tuesday night planting crew. Friends of City Point members carried their momentum on to 4th St, planting Oaks and a Hawthorn to fill the gaps in the canopy. The final efforts of the group brought a wave of color to the neighborhood with plantings of perennial flowers under the new tree plantings and a perennial bed on Second St., as well as the reclaiming and planting of hosta and coral bells along the old London Plane trees of Hallock and First.