2023 Report for Friends of Sea Street Circle
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of shrubs planted
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Spiraea japonica (4); Physocarpus opulifolius (2); Buxus ‘green velvet’ (2) 4 in garden, 4 in planters
Number of perennials planted
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Phlox stolonifera (12); Cataranthus roseus (~3 trays)
Yards compost spread
The Friends of Sea Street Circle just completed its second season and it was a success. We started the summer with some maintenance work, weeding and watering the garden bed and pruning the cedars in the center. At the beginning of the summer, the group set goals for supplementing plants in the circle bed, expanding the reach of the group’s plantings, and adding planters to sidewalk islands. After a few weeks of maintenance work and the addition of some new volunteers, we planted some spiraea in the circle bed. We then moved to four sidewalk planters, which we filled with gravel at the base and topped with a mixture of topsoil and compost. In the center of two of the planters we planted boxwoods and in the other two we planted ninebark. Around the perimeter, we planted periwinkle. Lastly, we planted phlox — 3 in each planter, circling the center shrub.