2016 Report for Lower State - High School In The Community
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
Number of shrubs planted
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Five 'Knockout' rose bushes planted in three small perennial beds
Number of perennials planted
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9 cat mint planted in three small perennial beds, 4 Hakonechloa planted in shaded perennial bed as replacement plantings
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
The Lower State group is a partnership between The Grove (a non-profit located downtown) and students at High School in the Community. The group completed its second summer of work at the median on State Street between Crown and Chapel. In 2015, Grove employees and students identified this area as needing restoration and stewardship care because New Haven residents often travel across the median as they commute between downtown and the train station. This year, the group focused on maintaining two perennial beds – shade-loving plants under the Zelkova tree grove and rose bushes at the sunny end of the median – and adding more perennials to the space. By partnering with the Town Green Ambassadors, the group was able to water all the perennials during the hot summer months. During the final two weeks of the season, they invested in the long-term vitality of the Zelkova grove as a park space by removing the landscape fabric from around the trees and replacing this cover with woodchips.