2017 Report for Newhall And Division
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
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Tree Lilacs, Crabapples, Kwanzan Cherry, London Plane
Number of shrubs planted
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White Spruce, Boxwood, Hydrangea, Rhododendron
Number of perennials planted
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Hosta, Dayllilly, coreopsis, ladys mantle, coral bells,
Yards mulch spread
2017 was another highly successful year for the high-capacity Newhall and Division crowd. Consistently showing up with enthusiasm and a desire to plant more trees week after week, we got a lot done this past summer. Led by Dan Rivera, this is an experienced group of tree planters that are highly dedicated to the stewardship of their neighborhood, and are constantly looking for new projects! Our goals this year were to plant more trees to fill in the gaps in lower Newhallville, which thanks in part to Newhall and Division, is a pretty forested neighborhood. We managed to plant six new trees this summer and worked on a few lead yards that had been tested in previous years. We met our goals handily, and by the end of the year we were proud to plant a new London Plane tree on Thompson street that will end up shading a large part of the street for years to come. Other Reporting