2014 Report for Quinnipiac Meadows


East Shore/Annex

Type of Site:



1343 Quinnipiac Avenue, New Haven, CT, New Haven, CT, 06513

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.8722226 41.3231546)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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(3) Red maple 'October Glory', (3) Kwanzan cherry, (1) Eastern redbud 'Forest Pansy', (1) Blue atlas cedar

Number of shrubs planted


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(2) blue holly, (2) butterfly bush

Number of perennials planted


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daylilies, hostas, white daisies, catmint

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



At the intersection of Eastern Street and Quinnipiac Avenue was a wide corner with patchy grass, weeds, invasive plants, and coarse gravel. Functionally, the site serves as a bus stop for school children, but the corner is often used illicitly as a cut-through, a dumping grounds, or as a place for cars to idle. The intersection has been the scene of several car accidents over the years as drivers speed down Quinnipiac Avenue. United by a desire to transform the corner into a safe space and a point of community pride, neighbors joined forces to form the Quinnipiac Meadows Community Greenspace Group. They made remarkable headway in their inaugural season, removing invasive plants, planting eight trees, establishing a central shrub and perennial planting bed, spreading stone dust to form a pedestrian path, designing a welcome sign, and laying over seven cubic yards of mulch! In the process, this hardworking group got to know each other, taking the time to share ideas, express concerns, and celebrate victories big and small.

Other activity

welcome sign, 3.5 yards stone dust