2011 Report for Wooster Square / Russo Park
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of shrubs planted
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dwarf mountain laurel
Number of perennials planted
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wild geranium, lavender, sedum
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
After a year's hiatus, the Wooster Square Greenspace returned to active planting work, focusing on the restoration of a neglected area surrounding the parking lot at Olive and Court. In the past, their efforts have taken place within historic Wooster Square Park, including the recent planting and ongoing stewardship of many new cherry trees. This year, though initially delayed in securing permission to work on the street corner, the group ultimately achieved an impressive transformation of the site in just a handful of sessions. Their efforts included the removal of unsightly red mulch, weeds, and landscaping cloth; the installation of several shrubs and flowering perennials along Court Street, the beautification of a tree pit opposite the garden bed; and finishing the area with a layer of pine mulch. They are off to great start in establishing a beautiful entrance to the historic Wooster Square neighborhood.