Botanical Garden of Healing

The New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence was created by the mothers of victims of gun violence as a special place to remember their loved ones. The garden is a place of hope and healing on Valley Street in New Haven, CT. With each new tree and flower planted, the mothers are taking positive action to build public awareness of the magnitude of the problem of gun violence and invest in the the future of our community. 

The mothers invite you to participate: 

1) Sign up to receive email updates on the garden if you are not already on our email list.

2) Volunteer in the garden on Saturdays 9 am- 12 pm in the summer beginning May 20 and through the fall.

3) Register to attend the Annual Day of Remembrance on June 8, 2024.

Learn about the dedication event in June 2021.

4) Make a donation. Checks can be written and sent to "URI" at 195 Prospect St. New Haven, CT 06511.  (Please note in the memo that the gift is for the Botanical Garden of Healing.) Electronic donations can be made through PayPal.  See button below. 

Learn more about the garden:  

1) Click here and see the right hand column for news articles on the garden.

2) Read annual and weekly reports written by the garden's URI Community Foresters.

3) Reach out to the garden's founder, Marlene Miller-Pratt, 910-975-2054.

Photos #1 and #2 courtesy of Svigals + Partners (#1 by Robert Benson Photography and #2 by Marissa Dionne Mead)