2009 Report for East Rock Park


East Rock

Type of Site:

Park Friends


Orange St & Cold Spring St., New Haven, CT, 06511

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9098622 41.3245609)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Number of shrubs planted


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4 Mountain Laurel, 3 Winterberry

Number of perennials planted


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10 Rozanne Geraniums, 6 Coneflower, 2 Black-eyed Susan, 5 Jacob's Ladder, 4 Ferns, 4 Coreopsis, 2 Daylily, 2 Coral Bells

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



In their second summer as a Greenspace group, the Friends of East Rock continued their work of stewardship and bringing the community together around a common resource. They first revisited the path and benches along Rice Field in East Rock Park, weeding and mulching the beautiful and peaceful sitting areas filled with a colorful and fragrant selection of native perennials and shrubs. They then moved on to planting in other parts of the park: the Orange St. steps and the Cold Spring St. beds in College Woods, the Whitney Gate entrance, and the beds and trailhead at the intersection of Everette St. and East Rock Ave. The group also spent a couple of workdays spreading woodchips in the newly cleared area around the Rice Field benches. In addition to the community members who volunteered, FERP hosted 4 Youth at Work who were a valuable asset to the Wednesday workdays. Between their Greenspace work, social events, and ability to work with the Parks Staff and community members, FERP has dramatically changed the look and feel of East Rock Park. Pictures and more information about FERP and their events can be found at www.friendsofeastrockpark.org.