2010 Report for Beaver Pond Park
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
Number of shrubs planted
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3 arrowwood viburnum ('blue muffin'), 3 sweet pepperbush (clethra Alnifolia), 4 winterberry holly (ilex verticillata)
Number of perennials planted
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5 Black-eyed Susan, 2 Magnus coneflower (Echinacea), 4 Shasta Daisies, 4 Pink yarrow, 3 Lobelia cardinalis, 2 Bee balm, 21 Sedum (various types), 2 Flame azalea, 3 Gayfeather, 2 Phlox subulata, 4 Hens and Chicks)
Yards compost spread
The Friends of Beaver Pond Park group stewards the portion of Beaver Pond Park that begins near Crescent and Fournier Streets and extends south towards the football field. In their seventh year as a Greenspace group they continued to cultivate a vibrant and diverse environment in the park while building and maintaining a strong sense of community. This year the group procured some boulders for the park. These turned out to be a great source of creative inspiration and a focal point for discussion. Some ended up as borders, others as a retaining wall for a new path, and still more formed the basis for a rock garden. The rock garden, in particular, generated a great deal of energy and interest. They also successfully raised money to carve a memorial into one of the boulders in honor of Ed Grant, an influential and charismatic lifelong friend of the park who passed away in 2010. The group was proud to place this memorial stone in the newly formed rock garden near the pink dogwood that was already planted in honor of Mr. Grant. Members also worked hard to keep all of their plantings watered and weeded throughout the hot and dry summer, and they planted some additional shrubs and perennials. They also continued to clear invasive species and to open up views of the water. The group was very visible each Wednesday evening as they worked and passersby often stopped to thank them and to recognize their valuable contributions to this cherished park. Check out their website! www.beaverpondpark.org
Other activity
many yards of wood chips from the parks department