2012 Report for East Rock Park


East Rock

Type of Site:

Park Friends


Orange St & Cold Spring St., New Haven, CT, 06511

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9098622 41.3245609)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of shrubs planted


Enter more details about shrubs planted

oak-leaf hydrangea


According to local lore, the Friends of East Rock Park originally formed some four decades ago to ward off a highway planned for the banks of the Mill River. Today the organization helps East Rockers to engage with their park through social events and stewardship. Each summer the organization hires a team of youth interns to help care for the park; each month throughout the fall and spring volunteers from the group meet to clean up the park; and with URI's help, each week in June and July the volunteers and youth interns team up for summer FERP WORKdays. FERP is a well-oiled machine that this summer kept College Woods and East Rock Park clean and spiffy. Under URI's watch, volunteers helped the youth interns to remove invasive species, clean up trash, plant shrubs, and spread wood chips. Thanks to these efforts, the park is more welcoming, usable, and safe.