2013 Report for Yow Street Plant Brigade (Formerly: Young Street Plant Brigade)


Beaver Hills

Type of Site:



Osborn Ave. and Young St., New Haven, CT, 06511

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9524396 41.3228782)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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Red oak

Number of shrubs planted


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hydrangea, euonymus, inkberry, azelea, tree hydrangea

Number of perennials planted


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sedum, blue fescue, coreopsis, liriope, catmint, coneflower, sedum, daylily, hosta

Yards mulch spread



Thanks to the enthusiasm and dedication of of neighbors, the Yow Street Plant Brigade Group enjoyed a hard-working fourth summer with URI and made a beautiful impact on their streetscape. Leading by Susan Klein, a caring and artistic lady, a group of energetic adults and affectionate young children spent every other Saturday afternoons trying to make their block more safe, clean, and attractive.This Season, the group added two more trees to the neighborhood, making a total of 7 young trees lining Osborn Avenue. Many have perennials beds beneath them. And together with the flowering plants at the garden spot next to the driveway, the beautification efforts on Osborn Avenue are a definite success. The lead remediation project at 36 Young street get enormous support from the neighbors. The yard now is completed changed with beautiful hydrangea tree, inkberry, euonymus, azalea and many more pretty perennials. Blue stone path creates a wonderful walkway for kids to run around. 35-37 Young Street, which have their soil tested and remediated last year got more perennials and grass seeds planted this summer. The triangle path built on the front yard also provides a great bike path for kids. In addition to Susan's group, another Thursday group, led by Debby Kahan who joined the program last year helped beautifying the block with more colorful perennials. A flower garden with hydrangea, daylily, sedum and coneflowers at the entrance area of Young Street welcomes everyone to visit this lovely neighborhood.

Other activity

2 yards top soil, 1.5 yards pea stone gravel for lead remediation, 10lb grass seed