2014 Report for East Rock Park


East Rock

Type of Site:

Park Friends


Orange St & Cold Spring St., New Haven, CT, 06511

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9098622 41.3245609)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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Red Oak

Number of shrubs planted


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Summersweet, Holly

Number of perennials planted


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Daylily, Coral Bells

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



The Friends of East Rock Park (FERP) identifies itself as a community and environmental advocacy group that encourages neighbors to meet each other, celebrate the environment, and become stewards of the park. This summer the group continued to fulfill these ideals. At the beginning of the summer FERP had two informative signs installed at the summit of the park and there was a dedication celebration in order to highlight the wonderful signs and all the collaborators that participated. Throughout the summer FERP volunteers weeded invasive plants, maintained and repaired trails, and cleaned up trash. To improve the vegetation throughout the park, FERP planted a butterfly garden, shrubs and perennials at various locations, and a Red Oak near the ranger station. During workdays it was common to have residents of East Rock taking time to stop and admire the work of the group. This year FERP hired five hard working Youth at Work interns. The Youth at Work interns worked on various projects throughout the park, learning about the environment and developing professional skills, while being able to enjoy the beautiful park.