2014 Report for Beaver Pond Park


Beaver Hills

Type of Site:

Park Friends


intersection of Crescent Street and Fournier Street, New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9423813 41.3289611)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Number of shrubs planted


Enter more details about shrubs planted

Flame Azalea, Princess Holly

Number of perennials planted


Enter more details about perennials planted

Liriope, Rudbeckia, Lavender, Coreopsis, Scabious, Columbaria, Penstemon, Liatris, Salvia, Agastache, Veronica

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



The Friends of Beaver Pond Park (FoBPP) is located in the Beaver Hills section of New Haven. This group has been in existence as an active Greenspace group for 11 years. The group primarily focused on improving the front corridor of the park and maintaining flowering beds throughout the park. There was a mixture of lovely perennials and shrubs planted that added beauty and diversity to the site. Planting was not the only focus; members would strap on full body waders and get into the pond in order to clean up debris. The members were always able to face whenever a challenged arose. There was a breach in the northern most section of the pond which greatly reduced the water level. This, however, did not thwart the group's spirit. Beaver Ponds Park was recently recognized as an urban oasis and the park had a wonderful sign dedication ceremony to cap the summer. There has been a kiosk installed at the front entrance with the hopes of being the source of information for the interpretive trail that will run through the entire park. Want to learn more? Visit their website: www.beaverpondpark.org