2021 Report for Beaver Ponds Park
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of perennials planted
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Species: Sneeze weed, joe pie weed, bee balm horsemint, partridge pea plant, great blue lobelia, mallow rose
The friends of the Beaver Ponds Park Urban Oasis worked tirelessly this summer under the exceptional leadership of Nan Bartow to plant natives, maintain the natives and remove invasive plants. The marvelous work of the group made the site a haven for pollinators such as bumble bees and monarch butterflies. The oasis has also attracted the deer, turtles, and groundhogs. Nan, constantly shared from her wealth of wisdom about native species while working with the Common Ground High School students. The community showed great appreciation of the Urban Oasis, and Joan took some people for a visit to the site.
Other activity
The group appreciates the collaboration it has with other departments like the U.S Fish and Wildlife, as they assisted in mending the deer fence and providing a new bridge.