2009 Report for Castle Street
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
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2 purple-leaf plums, 2 red maples, 1 Yoshino cherry
Number of shrubs planted
Number of perennials planted
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22 hosta, 8 daylillies, 8 coral bells, 2 Russian sage, 2 nepeta, 2 yucca, 2 black-eyed Susans, 4 liriope
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
This was the first year of the Community Greenspace group that worked on Castle Street, Alton Street, Main Street, and Monroe Street in Fair Haven. They only started near the end of the summer and are still thinking of a new name (possibly 'Dare to Dream'). Considering their late start, the Castle Street group accomplished a lot in the last month of Community Greenspace program this summer. The group had a lot of success with the URI goals of community building and restoration. The group planted five trees and numerous other perennial beds and are slowly taking over the neighborhood as a place to take pride in its physical beauty. The group leader Claudia had been in touch with all of the different members of the community to get the Community Greenspace program running and was delighted to have them start getting to know each other during work days and to bond over their shared sense of pride. Since there were only a few weeks of work this summer, the groups worked mainly in front of the homes of dedicated members who made a commitment to stewardship. The group is hoping to slowly accrue a dedicated base of community members and to focus on the goal of restoration.
Other activity
0.5 yards topsoil provided