Cherry Ann Park

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volunteers in Cherry Ann Park

2023 Greenspace Report

Cherry Ann is a beautiful park tucked away at the end of Cherry Ann Street. The group leader Miss Connie and an awesome group of kids have worked tirelessly over the years to make the park what it is. This summer, the kids continued stewarding the park by watering young trees, weeding, and picking up trash. At the end of the summer, a family who recently moved to the neighborhood also joined the efforts to take care of the park by planting daylilies around the cherry tree near the entrance. Cherry Ann is a special place that provides children on Cherry Ann and nearby streets a safe space to play and provides a space for adults to meet and gather with their neighbors.

2023 Accomplishments

  • 10 perennials planted (Daylilies )
  • 6 events
  • 67 volunteers
  • 71 volunteer hours