2019 Report for Clifton Street River Garden

Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
Number of shrubs planted
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1 Butterfly bush, 1 Ilex shamrock (inkberry), 1 Mugo pine, 1 Knock out rose
Number of perennials planted
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3 Echinacea, 2 russian sage, 2 sedum, 2 liriope
Yards mulch spread
The Clifton St River Garden is a beautiful greenspace that welcomes all canoers that use the launch, but also serves as a peaceful coastal refuge to watch the birds, bridge, or oyster boats. Led by Rose Bonito, the volunteers at this space have planted so many great perennials and shrubs in order to add color and attract the attention of all who pass by on Quinnipiac Avenue. This summer the group made great progress by finishing planting in the beds by the canoe launch and moving on to the curb area at the entrance to Clifton St. In this new area they worked hard to remove a dying juniper, then replaced it with an inkberry and a variety of other shrubs and perennials. They also hosted an oyster history talk which allowed people from the community to enjoy the space, connect with one another, and participate in environmental education. Their hard work this summer reflects the commitment this recently revived group has to restoration, stewardship, and community.