2015 Report for Dover Beach Park


Fair Haven

Type of Site:

Park Friends


2 Lombard, New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.8872305 41.3165093)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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3 eastern red cedar

Number of shrubs planted


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arrowwood viburnum, winterberry


The Dover Beach Park Urban Oasis (formerly known as the Underpass Project) recently received urban oasis designation from the US Fish & Wildlife Service and is now home to newly planted bird habitat. This site underwent a major transformation this year with help of a partnership between the neighbors, the city of New Haven, the CT Department of Transportation, and URI. Building on the work of last year - a pollinator garden planted at the intersection – this year’s major accomplishments included removal of invasive plants in the underpass area, installation of twenty 3’x5’ photos of birds and local neighbors on the underpass columns, and a bird habitat was planted on the south side of the underpass. The summer’s work culminated in a big celebration on-site with other Greenspace groups, the DOT, and the mayor and her staff.