Dover Beach Park

Photo Gallery

Christel and Joyce identifying a fitch on a tree!
Joyce weeding!
Christel joining Joyce to continue weeding!
Christel adding some compost to Luis' coral bell!
Digging a hole for an agastashe to be planted!
Terell, Freddie, and Joshua shoveling mulch!
After a long workday of planting at Dover Beach!
Christel, Kymani, and Freddie digging holes to plant coral bells!

2023 Greenspace Report

Dover Beach is a scenic park with views of the marshes along the Quinnipiac River. The park’s benches, shade, views, and playground and splash pad make this a popular community gathering spot with a welcoming, familial atmosphere on hot days. A core group of volunteers – Christel, Pat and Joyce – made wonderful progress at Dover Beach this summer! Their passion for the park shows in everything they do, and this year they tackled a swath of broad goals. They added to the plantings in the Children’s Butterfly Garden, spent long hours doing invasive species suppression in the Urban Oasis, and established a Welcome to Fair Haven sign at the park’s entrance off Middletown Road.

2023 Accomplishments

  • 7 perennials planted (1 Autumn Joy Sedum, 3 Threadleaf Coreopsis, 3 Cheyenne Echinacea)
  • 7.5 yards mulch spread
  • 8 events
  • 3 volunteers
  • 38 volunteer hours