2012 Report for East Edge Gardeners



Type of Site:

Park Friends


Edgewood Avenue between Norton and Hubinger Street, New Haven, CT, 06511

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.954405 41.3191691)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Number of shrubs planted


Enter more details about shrubs planted

2 Inkberry

Enter more details about perennials planted

2 Potentilla, 4 Echinacea, 19 Black Eyed Susans, 43 Daylilies, 7 Azaleas, 1 Joe Pyeweed, 1 Euonymous Groundcover

Yards mulch spread



The East Edge Gardeners are a longstanding Greenspace group that has planted and maintained 9 beds on Edgewood Avenue and 2 beds at Pendleton Triangle for the past decade. 2012 was another strong year for the group, with a consistent core group of volunteers coming out to weed, mulch, and replant their perennial beds. The group focused their restoration efforts on the beds at Norton Street and Ellsworth Street this year. They did extensive weeding in each bed and dug a trench around the bed to prevent weeds and grass from creeping in in the future. East Edge Gardeners planted shade tolerant perennials and shrubs to provide color and seasonal interest year round. In addition to these new plantings and their commitment to weeding, they work well together to ensure that their beds are appropriately watered which was especially important in the drought this summer. Visit the beds on the Edgewood Mall and at Pendleton Triangle to enjoy the beautiful spaces East Edge Gardeners have created and continue to improve.