2011 Report for East Rock Park
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
Number of shrubs planted
Number of perennials planted
In their fourth year as a Greenspace group, the Friends of East Rock Park continued to steward high traffic areas throughout East Rock Park, starting with the College Woods entrance at the corner of Cold Spring Street and Orange Street. The group's massive weeding and mulching effort in this area resulted in a more inviting entrance to the park and helped control erosion. With the help of their summer Youth at Work interns, the group was also able to successfully clean up several other important areas in the park. The perennial beds bordering the Whitney gate park entrance on Whitney Avenue are now weeded and mulched, giving their existing plantings new life and vigor. Additionally, the group removed piles of trash and leaf debris from the turnaround on English Drive. This area, near the entrance to the East Rock summit, is now more accessible for bikers and hikers enjoying the trails. Generous contributions of specialized knowledge and skills from several members of the group helped round out the projects this year. Directed by volunteers from the group with trail maintenance experience, the group was able to successfully complete a challenging project on a badly eroded trail near Livingston Street. With the addition of a lot of crushed rock and some strategic digging, the group was able to redirect the path of water on the trail to prevent erosion and create a better path for walking, running and biking.
Other activity
2 yds crushed rock for trail maintenance on Livingston, trail clearing and trash removal from English Drive turnaround.