2008 Report for Farren


East Shore/Annex

Type of Site:



147 Farren Ave, New Haven, CT, 06512



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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Eucomia/Rubber Tree, Cornus Kousa/Dogwood, Pyrus/Aristocrat Pear

Number of perennials planted


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Species Breakdown: 15 Catnip, 6 Day Lilies, 4 Daisies, 4 Lavenders, 9 Sedum, 12 Loriope, 4 blue fescue, 3 St. John's Wort, 3 Euonymus, 2 russian sage, 2 wholly thyme, 4 creeping thyme, 2 Echinacea, 2 hostas, 5 coreopsis, 2 sage, 1 flat Ivy

Yards mulch spread



The Farren Avenue Greenspace group originated on Fairmont Avenue four years ago. The last two years the group has focused on beautifying the streetscape along Farren Avenue. The efforts of the group have not gone unnoticed by surrounding residents. This year saw an increase in interest and the expansion of the planting work to the neighboring Landcraft Street and Pardee Street. The group created beautiful perennial arrangements in 8 different whiskey barrels scattered throughout the neighborhood, complete with colorful thrills, hardy fillers and delicate spills of thyme and ivy. In addition to the whiskey barrels, many bare curbstrips were transformed into vibrant perennial gardens of day lilies, catnip mint, golden euonymus, coreopsis, ornamental grasses, etc. This summer, the group worked on four major curbstrip perennial gardens in addition to maintaining last years' sites. The Farren Avenue Greenspace group also planted three new trees this summer making a total of nine trees planted in the past two years. One tree was planted on each street that was worked on this summer: Farren Avenue, Landcraft Street, and Pardee Street, In addition to planting trees and perennials, the group is committed to cleaning up garbage and clearing the street of other nuisances. They continue to meet regularly to help each other keep their street clean and safe throughout the year.