2013 Report for Friends Of Edgewood Park
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
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1 Sweet Gum, 2 Pin Oak, 1 Red Maple, 1 Princeton Elm, 3 Red Oak, 3 Honey Locust, 1 Redbud, 1 Tupelo
Number of shrubs planted
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3 Rhododendrons
Number of perennials planted
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3 Hostas
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
This was a productive year for Friends of Edgewood Park, breathing new life into an organization suffering from several slow years. The season began with stewardship (including weeding, pruning, mulching, and fencing) of more than 15 fruit trees by the skate park and the planting of several rhododendron bushes by the playground for erosion control. The biggest event this season were the tree plantings, which were greatly aided by the park's Youth@Work interns and a group of Americorps volunteers who showed up consistently throughout the season. 7 trees were planted near the gazebo and tennis courts to provide shade for the farmer's market held in the park in the summer. Furthermore, 6 trees were planted around the playground. The season ended with a well-attended celebration showcasing the work done around the park.