Friends Of Edgewood Park

Photo Gallery

Margaret and Stephanie making announcements!
Self introductions!
More self introductions!
Margaret bringing water to water young shrubs and dogwood!
Jonathan and Clara mulching tree!
Jonathan and Clara carrying excess dirt to edge of road!
Muffy, Pat, and Stephanie cutting bush!
Clara with our mulched pecan tree!

2023 Greenspace Report

The Friends of Edgewood Park continue to put labor and love into stewarding their extensive park. This seasoned four-seasons Greenspace group that meets every week all year round and has done so for decades. Though every week a sizable group of volunteers tackled tasks such as knotweed removal along the trails, litter pickup, and weeding of them idbridge garden, the two big projects of the summer were the 11-tree planting campaign and the revival of the Sundial Sprinkler Garden. The former was completed with the help of Latter Day Saints missionary volunteers and Edgewood Park’s Youth At Work crew inJuly. The latter was spearheaded by East Edge Gardeners leader and longtime FOEP volunteer Sandy, who proposed the project and guided its vision. With a small group of volunteers, we cleared the bed of weeds, turned the soil, and planted a variety of beautiful perennials that will add color to the Sundial Sprinkler area for years to come.

2023 Accomplishments

  • 11 trees planted (Midbridge Trail–1 Amelanchier, 2 river birch, 2 black gum, 1 sweet gum In front of Midbridge Garden–1 black walnut, 1 constellation dogwood North of Duck Pond, before underpass–1 magnolia, 2 white cedar)
  • 3 shrubs planted (mountain laurel)
  • 35 perennials planted (Daylilies (5), coneflowers (8), coral bells (4), bleeding hearts (3), shasta daisy(6), black-eyed susan (6) coreopsis (3))
  • 1.0 yards compost spread
  • 1.0 yards mulch spread
  • 11 events
  • 33 volunteers
  • 259 volunteer hours