2021 Report for Friends Of Farmington Canal



Type of Site:



Hazel st. and Shelton ave, New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9324379 41.3289902)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Number of shrubs planted


Number of perennials planted


Enter more details about perennials planted

3 sedums, 10 day lilies, 6 russian sage, 2 heavy metal grasses, 12 coral bells, 12 liriope- planting occurred at stone entryways of the bike path, the front corner with the sign, and around the trees in the site

Yards mulch spread



Doreen is a very active community organizer and the visionary behind Friends of the Farmington Canal. She adopted the site while it was in a state of extreme ecological degradation- it was a dumping zone referred to as “the mudhole.” On our last workday of the year- it hosted a large community event which offered covid-19 vaccinations as well as a “get the word out campaign” for vaccination facts which the mayor (Elicker) attended and spoke at. The site has become a dense nexus of many different activities (a workout class, a small youth group, outdoor classroom events, etc). It reaches children and adults through programming that Doreen is largely responsible for connecting into the site. She has other, non-URI projects (specifically a plant-growing non profit) which is housed caddy-corner to the site and is in the process of building a greenhouse. This is one of the most beautiful recreation areas in Newhallville and is fastidiously maintained by both volunteers and paid workers. The area has good (albeit zelkova-centric) canopy cover, so the site adds a lot of color (through perennials) and infrastructure (the bike path, benches, water fountain, urban-oasis corridor) to the area. The workout area in particular stands out and is frequented by many locals. The area reaches many different groups and is a potent stage for other community group/recreation activities.