2024 Report for Friends of Kimberly Field
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of shrubs planted
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5 inkberry, 5 ninebark
Number of perennials planted
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7 hostas, 3 daylilies, 3 liriope, 3 coneflowers, 2 liatris, 1 black-eyed susan, 1 sedum, 1 catmint
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
In just their third year as a Greenspace group, the Friends of Kimberly Field have managed to completely transform the Kimberly Ave lot into an inviting community space. This season, we planted new flowers under the curb strip trees and in each of their existing garden spaces, and we also established new spaces: two parallel shrub rows along the fenceline, and a colorful mini-pollinator garden in the sunniest area of the lot. We also engaged in essential stewardship work; consistently removing invasives, watering all plantings, mulching to fight off weeds. Finally, we lay stone dust along the path and lined it with pine bark planks, bringing all areas of the lot together visually. Despite the heat this summer, this group worked hard toward their vision of a welcoming place along Kimberly Ave where one can stop, rest, and admire the flowers.