2011 Report for Lenzi Park


Wooster Square

Type of Site:

Park Friends


Corner of St. Johns and Jefferson Sts., New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9159428 41.3067051)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Number of shrubs planted


Number of perennials planted


Enter more details about perennials planted

3 Heart Leafed Alexanders, 3 Butterfly weed, 3 White Cloud potentilla, 3 Meadow Beauty rhexia virginica, 3 Spotted Cransebill Geranium, 1 Iron Butterfly Ironweed, 1 Echinacea, 3 Northern blue flag Iris, 2 chocolate eupatorium

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



The Friends of Lenzi Park formed in 2001 and in the initial years of participating in the Greenspace program undertook major projects. Over the past four years they have remained a small and dedicated group whose main focus has been on planting native perennials and stewardship of the park as an Emeritus group. Their goals have included weeding, mulching, pruning, and some replacement planting, as well as lowering the height of vegetation in front of the mural in order to eliminate its use as a screen for illegal activities. In 2010, a long-term goal of recovering an area along Jefferson Street was undertaken. The goals included the removal of concrete stools that served as tables and benches under a double row of Honeylocusts between the park and Grand Avenue, which had become a site for illegal activities and was often littered with empty liquor bottles and other waste. This year the group focused on continued maintenance of the park, and added 22 new native perennials to the bed in front of the mural. They also edged the 3 flowerbed islands located in the park with bricks to prevent damage from lawnmowers. Additionally, they constructed a compost bin in the back corner of the space. The group is very knowledgeable about plants and gardening.

Other activity

300 bricks, 14 stakes, 7 pallets