Lenzi Park

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Jenny prepares to plant!

2023 Greenspace Report

The Friends of Lenzi Park have stewarded this space for X years with the help of many dedicated volunteers. They help keep Lenzi Park lush and beautiful. As the park’s trees grow in, previously sunny beds are transitioning to shady spaces. This season, we planted shade-tolerant shrubs like ninebark and perennials like hostas to accompany this transition. While there are challenges in the park, such as plant theft, the Friends remain fastidious in their care for the space. Just as years before, the Friends weed and water on a regular basis.

2023 Accomplishments

  • 9 perennials planted ( 3 creeping vincas, 3 rocket ligularia, 3 green-and-yellow hostas)
  • 1.0 yards mulch spread
  • 8 events
  • 8 volunteers
  • 62 volunteer hours